Start of My Blog

Today, I am going to start blogging about my journey in learning web development and computer programming. This journey started a few months ago as I decided I wanted a career in which I was constantly learning and constantly building.

To achieve my goal, I started doing web tutorials at codecacademy, rubymonk, codeschool, teamtreehouse. Along the way, I also read a few books including Peter Cooper’s Beginning Ruby, eloquentjavascript, Chris Pine’s learn to program. (I will review each of these sources in-depth in a future post).

After some time self-studying, I read an article about programming bootcamps and how they were revolutionizing learning. Excited about the prospect of an intense “bootcamp-like” learning experience, I did a lot of research on the different schools and started applying to many. I ended up choosing the Flatiron School. In this blog, I will post about some of the cool things that I learn along the way.

If anyone has any questions regarding my posts or my experiences, feel free to email me at
