
List of projects

GameTable = A Real Time table-top platform that lets you play your favorite board games with friends + Integrated Sync Library and Pusher to post real time responses to player moves and chat messages across all users +Combined simplicity with security for usage of the app, using Ruby’s SecureRandom class and Action Mailer +Used ruby metaprogramming and used seed_dump gem to create and reset token positions +Implemented background jobs using Whenever for automatically deleting games from our database +Styled application using plain Twitter bootstrap and custom images +Deployed via Nginx and Digital Ocean

jobLogger = AngularJS clientside app that lets you create cover letters, thank you letters, practice interviewing, etc. (in progress) +no jQuery, everything done the angular way +custom styles, filters, directives +jasmine and e2e tested +integrates zeroclipboard so users don’t have to manually copy and paste; they can just click a button +deployed via Heroku

NBASTALK = A Ruby on Rails app that lets you view your favorite NBA player’s recent social media and statistics + Built a dynamic social media/sports statistics dashboard for NBA athletes + Utilized Nokogiri and Mechanize gems to scrape espn for core basketball statistics + Integrated jquery ui to add an autocompleting search bar so users can search for their favorite athlete + Used JavaScript to interact with the APIs of Twitter, Facebook and Youtube + Wrote various complex regex expressions to parse data to custom format + Setup and deployed to Digital Ocean server using NGINX, Passenger, and Capistrano
